Country | Conservation strategy or action plan | Activities applies to | Subsidy policy | Authorities involved in policies |
Denmark | Strategi for Bevaringsudvalgets arbejde med husdyrgenetiske ressourcer – Vision, Mission og Mål 2016-2020. | Old Danish Animal Genetic Resources | Grants to preserve old Danish plant and animal genetic resources. | The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries |
The Faroe Islands | Action plan for Faroese horse | The Faroese horse | Some subsidies to keep the Faroese horse | Búnaðarstovan - The Agricultural Agency of the Faroe Islands |
Finland | Suomen maa-, metsä- ja kalatalouden kansallinen geenivaraohjelma. (2018-12-18). | Purebred native animals such as Finncattle breeds, Finngoat, Finnsheep, Åland sheep and Kainuun grey sheep, Finnhorse and Finnish landrace chicken. | Breeding and maintaining purebred animals of the native breeds. Contracts are issued on a one-year basis. | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, the Finnish Food Authority. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY). Natural Resources Institute Finland |
Iceland | The conservation plan for the Icelandic goat (2012). The national action plan for conservation of genetic resources in Icelandic nature and agriculture (2024-2028). | Icelandic goats, leader sheep, the Icelandic sheepdog, and Icelandic poultry | Icelandic goat (for winterfed animals) | The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, the Genetic Resource Council. |
Norway | Handlingsplan for bevaringsverdige husdyrraser i Norge 2021-2025, Nasjonal tiltaksplan for bevaring og bærekraftig bruk av genetiske ressurser for mat og landbruk 2023. | Only breeds that are categorised as native and endangered are included in the conservation program. | Subsidies for endangered native breeds of cattle, sheep, goats and horses. Living poultry gene bank. Conservation herds for goose. | Norsk genressurssenter, Landbruksdirektoratet |
Sweden | Bevara, nyttja och utveckla – handlingsplan för uthållig förvaltning av svenska husdjursraser 2023-2027. | The action plan applies to all species and breeds within the Swedish conservation responsibility (i.e., breeds that are listed in the action plan - breeds that fulfil the 7 criteria set up in the Action plan. | Subsidies available for cattle, pig, goat, sheep, horse, bee, rabbit and poultry breeds that are considered within the Swedish conservation responsibility. | Jordbruksverket |