Seedlings in Denmark

Seedling statistics for Denmark is not available. As an overview of the most important species in the Danish forestry, the proportions of the total forest area covered by each species are presented in the pie chart below. It is important to note that the conifers are planted and introduced species, whereas for instance beech (Fagus sylvatica) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) often are regenerated naturally. Furthermore, the use of seedlings per area would be much higher for short-rotation Christmas trees (e.g. Abies species) than for typical long-rotation species such as oak (Quercus spp).
Spruce in bloom
Spruce in bloom, photo Dan Aamild/NIBIO.


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Figure 3

Forest area (in hectares) occupied by the different tree species in Denmark (Nord-Larsen, Johannsen et al. 2020).
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