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This is the first edition of a report on statistics on forest seeds and plant material in the Nordic countries. The report is primarily based on country reports (2013-2020), from the Nordic cooperation, through NordGen Forest Regeneration Council. In addition, the statistics has been complemented by data from Skogsstyrelsen (SE), LUKE (FI), Icelandic Forest Service (IS), Finnish Food Authority Ruokavirasto (FI), Naturstyrelsen (DK) and Skogfrøverket (NO). 
It varies which periods we had data from for the different countries and which type of data that was available. The latest data included are from 2019. In this edition we have tried to find comparable species groups and types of data to report. For this first version of the report the aim is to make use of the data which are already at hand. For future reports more coherent data is expected. 
Top photo: John Yngvar Larsson/NIBIO.
Spruce plants, photo: Erling Fløistad/NIBIO.
Current Members of the NordGen Forest Regeneration Council
Gunnar Friis Proschowsky (Chair), Torben Leisgaard, Antti Lännenpää, Tina Ylioja, Brynjar Skúlason, Hallur S. Björgvinsson, Nina Hårdnes Tremoen, Espen Stokke, Ellinor Edvardsson, Claes Uggla.


Members of the NordGen Forest regeneration Council, Thomas Solvin, Inger Sundheim Fløistad, Kjersti Bakkebø Fjellstad.
Please contact NordGen Forest if you are interested in further statistics, see "About This Publication" for contact information.
Spruce plantSpruce plant, photo: Inger Sundheim Fløistad.
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